I ask you all this favor: no pity! Don't feel bad for me or for The Parlor. This was a good experience, and as my grandpa put it, I've learned more in the last seven months running this business then I would have if I had taken business classes. I spent a couple years reading books on business and writing up business plans, but no matter who you talk to and no matter what the books say, you have no idea what you are getting into until you get into it. It has been a long, bumpy, stressful ride and I would be lying if I said I wasn't incredibly relieved to be done. One of the very important things I learned was that owning a business is not my dream job, though I thought it was. I would have regretted not doing it, but now that I've done it, I know it is not for me. I woke up every morning with lots of anxiety, not wanting to look at the bank account, not wanting to face another slow day, not having the energy to deal with whatever crisis would come along. Which is why I ask you for no pity. I am happier now than I have been for a really long time.
Now, for those of you who loved The Parlor and were regulars: bless you! You are the ones that made it last as long as it did. I am sorry you'll no longer have us. I will be posting the dough and pizza recipes on the blog so you can replicate The Parlor at home! No worries! For all the bands and artists that performed or displayed your art in the store: you guys are awesome. You brought me lots of business and that made a difference. I am going to talk to the guy who is buying and convince him to keep doing concerts; I think it is a great way to get kids downtown and interact with the community.
I'm grateful for everyone I've met and the friends I've made. I have been very overwhelmed at the love, service, and support that so many have given in this venture. I'll be working at a call center for the summer, then I'll be moving back home to CA for a while. Then who knows what! Another adventure! Love you all!